6th Marval International Summit on Compliance

Where world-class experts meet to share their experiences in challenges, developments, and trends in this field.  

  • June 8, 2023

  • 8:00 AM

  • Buenos Aires, Argentina

  • Hybrid


The sixth edition of Marval’s International Summit on Compliance, Anti-Corruption and Investigations is approaching! Get ready for an agenda of top-notch content and world-class experts from leading law firms and companies, multilateral development banks, NGOs, consulting firms, Government agencies and more.

Like every year, we will have the most prominent local and international experts sharing experiences, discussing real-life cases, and analyzing trends and challenges in this practice.


The conference will be led by Gustavo Morales Oliver, head of the Compliance, Anti-Corruption and Investigations department at Marval.



  • June 8, 2023



  • 8AM - 6PM I On-site: Leandro N. Alem 882, Buenos Aires, Argentina (upon previous confirmation) - Registration here
  • 9AM - 6PM I Streaming: Live on LinkedIn and YouTube - Registration here



The event will be held in person at Marval's auditorium and it will also be broadcasted online via LinkedIn and YouTube streaming for virtual attendants.

Spanish panels will be translated simultaneously to english on YouTube. 

On-site participants will have access to exclusive networking activities: Welcome breakfast, coffee breaks, working lunch and closing cocktail. Limited spots available.

Attendance certificates will be available for on-site participants only.

Registration is free-of-charge in all cases.

Agenda (ARG Time I GMT - 3)


9.00 a.m. - Opening remarks (Spanish)

  • Santiago Carregal - Chairman (Marval O´Farrell Mairal) (Argentina)

9.10 a.m. - Keynote address (Spanish)

  • Gustavo L. Morales Oliver - Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina)

9.20 a.m. - Real impact of corruption around the world (Spanish)

  • Delia Ferreira Rubio - Global Chair (Transparency International) (Germany)
  • Gustavo L. Morales Oliver - Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina)

9.45 a.m. - Sanctions by Multilateral Development Banks (English)

  • Robert Delonis - Litigation Manager – (The World Bank) (USA) *
  • José Hernández Toro - Senior Corruption and Fraud Investigator - IDB Office of Institutional Integrity (IDB - Inter American Development Bank) (USA) *
  • Gustavo L. Morales Oliver - Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina)


10.25 a.m. - Challenges and Opportunities for Compliance Officers (Spanish)

  • Florencia Crespo - Head of Ethics & Compliance (Cervecería y Maltería Quilmes y Fábricas Nacionales de Cerveza FNC) (Argentina)
  • María Archimbal - Chief Compliance Officer (YPF) (Argentina)
  • María Lorena Schiariti - Public Law Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina)


10.50 a.m. Coffee & Networking Break

11.05 a.m. - Reacting to Cyberattacks (English)

  • Diego Fernández - Intellectual Property, IT & Privacy Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina)
  • Victoria Beckman - Associate General Counsel (Shopify) (USA) *
  • Jeffrey Collins - Supervisory Special Agent (FBI Cyber Task Force) (USA) *
  • Gustavo L. Morales Oliver - Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina)

11.45 a.m. - Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Compliance (Spanish)

  • Diego Fernández - Intellectual Property, IT & Privacy Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina)
  • Agustín Huerta - SVP Studios & VP of Technology IoT Studio (Globant) (Argentina)
  • Raúl Saccani - Professor and Director of the Transparency and Governance Centre (IAE Business School) - Lead Partner Financial Crime (Deloitte) (Argentina)
  • Gustavo L. Morales Oliver - Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina)

12.25 p.m. - Compliance and Enforcement trends and challenges in USA and Europe (English)

  • Kim Nemirow - Partner (Kirkland & Ellis) (USA) *
  • Richard Donoghue - Partner, Corporate Investigations & White Collar Defense (Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP) (USA) *
  • Lucas Loviscek - Partner (Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP) (USA)
  • Alison Geary – White Collar Crime & Investigations Partner (Mishcon de Reya LLP) (UK) *
  • Daniel R. Alonso - White Collar and Litigation Partner (Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP) (USA)

1.05 p.m. Networking Lunch


2.00 p.m. - Surviving Enforcement Actions: Transformational Journeys (English)

  • Rafael Gomes - Chief Risk & Compliance Officer (Novonor & OEC) (Brazil)
  • Richard Bistrong - CEO (Front-Line Anti-Bribery LLC) (USA)
  • Gustavo L. Morales Oliver - Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina)

2.45 p.m. - Trends and Challenges for Forensics Experts (English)

  • Karyl Van Tassel - Senior Managing Director, N.A. Global Investigations Practice Lead (J.S. Held LLC) (USA) *
  • Amanda Rigby - Vice President (Charles River Associates) (USA)
  • Drew Costello - Partner (Forensic Risk Alliance) (USA) *
  • Michael Cullen - Head of Global Risk and Investigations Latin America (FTI Consulting) (Colombia)
  • Geert Aalbers - Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) (Control Risks) (Brazil)


3.25 p.m. - Public procurement, Criminal Law and Compliance (English)

  • Christopher Yukins - Law Professor (George Washington University) - Of Counsel (Arnold & Porter LLP) (USA)
  • Andrés O’Farrell - Criminal Law Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina)
  • Fabyola En Rodrigues - Head of White-Collar Crime and Defensive Investigation Area (Demarest Advogados) (Brazil) *
  • María Lorena Schiariti - Public Law Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina)


4.05 p.m. Coffee and Networking break 


4.20  p.m. - The Argentine Anti-Corruption Office (Spanish)

  • Verónica María Gómez - Head (Anti-Corruption Office) (Argentina)
  • Gustavo L. Morales Oliver - Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina)


4.45 p.m. - Compliance in M&A deals (English)

  • María Laura Bolatti Cristofaro - Corporate M&A Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina)
  • Howard Kleinman - Partner (Dechert LLP) (USA) *
  • María Macarena García Mirri - Corporate/M&A Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina)


5.10 p.m. - The Vision of Law Firms in Latin America (English)  

  • Luis Dantón Martínez Corres - Partner (LEC, Litigio Estratégico y Compliance, S.C.) (Mexico)
  • Flávia Leardini - Partner (Mattos Filho) (Brazil)
  • Marcelo Zenkner - Partner, Co-head of the Regulatory Practice Group (TozziniFreire Advogados) (Brazil)
  • Rodrigo Campero - Partner (CMS Carey & Allende) (Chile)
  • Gustavo L. Morales Oliver - Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina)


5.50 p.m. - Closing Remarks

  • Gustavo L. Morales Oliver, Compliance, Anti-corruption and Investigations Partner (Marval O'Farrell Mairal) (Argentina) 


6.00 p.m. - Closing Cocktail 


* Panelist will join via videoconference

Browse previous Editions:

1st Edition - 2018


2nd Edition - 2019

2nd Marval Annual Summit on Compliance, Anti-Corruption and Investigations

3rd Edition - 2020

3rd Marval Annual Summit on Compliance, Anti-Corruption and Investigations

4rd Edition - 2021

4th Marval Annual Summit on Compliance, Anti-Corruption and Investigations

5th Edition - 2022

5th Marval Annual Summit on Compliance, Anti-Corruption and Investigations