Punctuality of Air Operations: ANAC Approved Statistical Evaluation System

Punctuality of Air Operations: ANAC Approved Statistical Evaluation System

The Aeronautics Authority will survey, evaluate and publish the statistical results of timing compliance of the regular air transport services, applying a tolerance of 15 minutes. The companies under its scope must present the required information quarterly, the first term expiring on April 10, 2017.

February 24, 2017
Punctuality of Air Operations: ANAC Approved Statistical Evaluation System

The National Administration of Civil Aviation (“ANAC” after its acronym in Spanish) approved the statistical evaluation system for timing compliance of air operations, through Resolution No. 1195/2016, published on January 12, 2017 (herein, the “Resolution”).

In order to provide information to users and passengers on the efficiency in the provision of air transport services, comparative calculations will be carried out and their results published by way of ranking of punctuality.

The survey will affect companies of regular air transport exclusively for passengers, cargo and mail, both domestic and international, with point of origin in Argentina, whose total of air operations altogether represent 80% of the total of projected air services. The list of companies within the scope of the standard, according to this parameter, is detailed in Annex I of the Resolution. This list will be subject to biannual reviews by the National Department of Air Transport (“DNTA” after its acronym in Spanish) of the ANAC, to determine the inclusion or exclusion of air operators.

Aerial conveyors that are involved will be notified and will have 60 days to start providing the information required on a quarterly basis, within ten days of expiration of each one of the quarters of each year. The information will be posted on the website of the ANAC and all air transport services providers must link in their respective internet portals, the information emerging from the statistical survey carried out by ANAC.

Punctuality or unpunctuality is determined by applying a range of tolerance of 15 minutes for each air operation. The schedule of the next takeoff operational maneuver called “out”, of exclusive competence of the air carrier, must be considered in relation to the schedule effectively approved by the DNTA. Any cancelled air services are excluded from this evaluation.

The ANAC will prepare the index of punctuality or efficiency depending on the amount of movements with delay and the amount of total approved movements. The information derived from the codes of nomenclature of delays of the International Air Transport Association (“IATA”), will be considered to determine the causes of non-compliance with timing, with precision and thoroughness.

The Resolution requires the air carriers within its scope, to provide quarterly information due April 10, 2017. The first quarterly publication of the results of the ANAC will be on May 2, 2017.

The control and supervision of the fulfillment of the obligation imposed by the Resolution is to be carried out by inspectors of the Department of Control and Promotion of the Department of Commercial Services Exploitation of the DNTA. In the event of verifying failure to provide the information required, lack of fidelity or truthfulness, or any inaccuracy or any other irregularity, sanctioning actions may be promoted, according to articles 208 and subsequent of the Aeronautical Code and concordant regulations.